functional fitness

Strong Girls Guide To 4 Common Squat Mistakes

Strong Girls Guide To 4 Common Squat Mistakes


Squatting is a complex, compound movement and is really essential to any strength and fitness program...

Although we highly recommend getting a  professional to help you develop your squat, here are 4 common squat mistakes we see and how to fix them!

Strong Girls Guide: 4 Tips To Improve Your Squat

Strong Girls Guide: 4 Tips To Improve Your Squat

The squat is an essential movement to not only any strength and fitness program but also for everyday functional movement....

If you watch any toddler, you'll see them perform a perfect squat technique to pick object off the ground and stand back up. Our bodies are made to be able to perform this movement...

Strong Girls Guide To Kipping

Strong Girls Guide To Kipping

Gymnastics movements can be hard!

Kipping is a really important moment used commonly in toe to bar and kipping pull-ups. But it's important to get the fundamentals right first! 

Strong Girls Guide To Avoiding Knee Pain

Strong Girls Guide To Avoiding Knee Pain

Do you get niggles and twinges in your knees when you train?

Are you super cautious in training because you're worried about your knees?

While it's always prudent to get a full diagnosis on why you have knee pain, we've put together a few exercises which will help strengthen the muscles that hold your knee in place and loosen the ones that might be pulling on the knee causing pain!

Eat. Lift. Sleep. Repeat

Eat. Lift. Sleep. Repeat

Why is Eat. Lift, Sleep. Repeat so important?

Yep these three important components make up an all round healthy daily routine. Why? Lets find out!

5 Tips on how to keep your New Year’s Resolutions

5 Tips on how to keep your New Year’s Resolutions

Got big plans for 2018? All fired up and ready to go? Just one small problem – no idea how to make your dreams a reality?

Here are 5 tips to keep you on track throughout the year and reaching your goals!

Weight training will not make you too muscly or too bulky. Heres why:

Weight training will not make you too muscly or too bulky. Heres why:

With more and more women trying out weight training, its time to debunk the myths about ‘getting big’ from weight training.

What Exactly is Functional Fitness

What Exactly is Functional Fitness

I feel this definition gets thrown around a lot these days, but at the core it simply means training that is functional to whatever life throws at you.

Functional movement refers to movements we use every day which are the most efficient for our body. Movements that our body is naturally able to perform.

The Strong Girls Guide To Getting Your First Pull Up!

The Strong Girls Guide To Getting Your First Pull Up!

There's a new trend in our industry - women who want a strong upper body! 

One of the more popular movements... the strict pull-up! It demands strength, dedication, and determination!

A strong upper body is the key to a happy and healthy life! And we're here to show you how to get your first strict pull up using these 4 strengthening exercises!


6 Tips That Motivate You To Push Harder In Workouts

6 Tips That Motivate You To Push Harder In Workouts

Get inside a trainers mind and level up: 6 tips to keep you motivated and push harder in workouts

We all have those moments in workouts where we feel like our legs can’t possibly take one more step, where our lungs feel like they are about to explode and even those very small niggles become the biggest issue and we just have to stop.