women weightlifting

Strong Girls Guide To 4 Common Squat Mistakes

Strong Girls Guide To 4 Common Squat Mistakes


Squatting is a complex, compound movement and is really essential to any strength and fitness program...

Although we highly recommend getting a  professional to help you develop your squat, here are 4 common squat mistakes we see and how to fix them!

Strong Girls Guide: 4 Tips To Improve Your Squat

Strong Girls Guide: 4 Tips To Improve Your Squat

The squat is an essential movement to not only any strength and fitness program but also for everyday functional movement....

If you watch any toddler, you'll see them perform a perfect squat technique to pick object off the ground and stand back up. Our bodies are made to be able to perform this movement...

Strong Girls Guide To Glute Activation

Strong Girls Guide To Glute Activation

🍑🍑🍑 It's time to create buns of steel! 🍑🍑🍑

Coach Elle and Coach Gee take you through a bunch of easy exercises you can do to activate your glutes!

Why? To make sure your glutes are working optimally in big compound movements like squats and deadlifts!

Am I too Bulky?

Am I too Bulky?

There aren't too many things in life which bug me, but the perpetual fear of women ‘getting too bulky’ if they lift weights is one them.

There are a few reasons for this; shall we have an in-depth look?

Strong Girls Guide Around A Barbell!

Strong Girls Guide Around A Barbell!

Weightlifting and being strong are becoming increasingly popular among women! 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

Gone are the days we get told to just "go for a run" to get fit. We now know and feel the awesome benefits lifting weights has on our bodies minds and souls! 

5 Ways To Improve Your Sleep

5 Ways To Improve Your Sleep

Sleep is a vital part of life and while sleeping your body and mind receives many benefits that can help you in your life.

Better moods, more alert, clearer thinking, higher immunity, increased memory, looking more attractive, lower chance of chronic/lifestyle disease, less stress, better sex and weight management are all attributed to getting the recommended 8 hours an night of zzz.

Weight training will not make you too muscly or too bulky. Heres why:

Weight training will not make you too muscly or too bulky. Heres why:

With more and more women trying out weight training, its time to debunk the myths about ‘getting big’ from weight training.

3 Crucial Pointers That Make, Not Break, Your Deadlift

3 Crucial Pointers That Make, Not Break, Your Deadlift

There are 3 main pointers your deadlift is missing to INCREASE your strength, REDUCE injury and DEVELOP that peachy behind you’ve been looking for...

I see these 3 points being MISSED all the time by trainers and it’s really a disservice to all the girls out there training…

Deadlifts are one of my FAVOURITE exercise, because they are so technical

What Exactly is Functional Fitness

What Exactly is Functional Fitness

I feel this definition gets thrown around a lot these days, but at the core it simply means training that is functional to whatever life throws at you.

Functional movement refers to movements we use every day which are the most efficient for our body. Movements that our body is naturally able to perform.

6 Reasons Summer Training Is The BEST!

6 Reasons Summer Training Is The BEST!

We love training in Summer! Here's why:

Although many people can find summer a time where they dislike working out, I'd say the opposite is true and you can really enjoy training in summer!

The sun is shining, it’s warm and people are buzzing!